Part 29: Chapter 12x: Saint Jagen (Prep)
Chapter 12x: Saint Jagen (Prep)

(This was a request from early in the thread I forgot to reclass for. Whoops! Sorry it took this long.)

Lefcandith Gauntlet is probably the most different feeling map in this set between the difficulties, because of how much this one relies on reinforcements and how buffed they are in Hard mode. This time around, the roaming Dracoknight is much less threatening.

Sedgar and Wolf take a lot longer to become offensive powerhouses than they do Defensive ones, thanks to Generals insane base Defense. Theyll get there eventually.

Thankfully we have another heavy hitter.

So Minerva and her team, at least on Normal, wont attack you. They just hover in the middle here until Minerva decides to leave. Theyre of zero threat.

So it turns out stopping this fort up with Caeda is a really good idea, because otherwise it spawns Ridersbane guys. Thatll put a damper on any defense involving one of your 500 Cavaliers.

Id also just like to note that Athena owns.

I left Catria alive because I dont want to incur her wrath.

This, however, is far too big a chunk of EXP to pass up. One reason I prefer Merric to Linde is how much utility Excalibur brings in this game, where fliers are deadly.

This might be the only kill Kannival has ever gotten in any run of Shadow Dragon.

Our two rando generics for this set of maps included Xestu, a pretty unremarkable pirate, and Penvo, who has an AMAZING 15 defense, which is on par with General Wolf.
He is also the only Fire Emblem unit I think Ive ever seen with zero Speed. Oh my god, Penvo, can you even move in that suit?

Heres Bantu in action. Hes pretty solid for a while on Normal Mode, but he drops off like a rock. I dont want to kill him off, though, since he recruits a character later.

Caeda still caps speed at Level 10 on this run.

I dont think Ive shown a Generic Unit level up, so heres Penvo! Again!

Just wanted to note that units CAN sneak through this little gap. Its just rough, because that cliff thing eats movement points.

In the Arena, Linde immediately crit twice with 2%s and killed this guy. Im not sure why the actual take of that didnt go that well.

See, this is more familiar.

All stat boosts go to Jagen. Even the Strength ones.

So, that should get you up to speed

This chapter doesnt get a location name. I think thats a thing with the Gaiden maps.

Quick status update on the unit we got last time on this run, Athena. Shes doing great. A lot of it is probably the Normal Mode talking, but she feels far more powerful than Nabarl ever really did.

I reclassed PENVO because otherwise he will not die. Same with Dolph.

This map is fairly straightforward, especially after the twists and turns in Archanea Castle. There are some rivers to cross, but its not a huge deal, and its pretty much a straight shot north to the boss.

There are two villages well want to look out for, as well as scattered enemies. Nothing very threatening, though.

Horace himself, along with his personal little group of units, occupy one of these islands. Its in your best interest not to attack him. You can probably guess why, but Im still trying to play coy here.

The boss is a pretty embarassing one range Paladin. That Snipers far more threatening, but thats faint praise.
Well see that next time.
Bonus Content
Athenas Great

(Neither of those really make sense, Steve)

(The w in between is missing from the Serenes script for this scene. I had to make an executive decision. I hope you approve.)